So many huge things are happening for Queerlective this year! HUGE!

Queerlective and Kimball Jenkins join forces!

We started out the year with some fantastic news. Queerlective is so excited and honored to announce we have partnered with Kimball Jenkins of Concord, where they will be acting as our fiscal sponsor. This partnership will allow Queerlective to serve the diverse creative community in even bigger ways than we have before. You can read more about the partnership HERE.

This fiscal sponsorship allows Queerlective to accept donations and grants similar to how a 501(c)(3) would. With this partnership, we launched a successful initial fundraising campaign and have begun the process of applying for grants with organizations like the New Hampshire Charitable Fund to help us bring more programming to New Hampshire. 

Thank you New Hampshire Charitable Fund

We would like to thank the New Hampshire Charitable Fund for their very generous grant that will go to kickstarting the next phase of our organizing efforts this year. You can read more about this award HERE.


Queerlective is working hard to help organize two new pride focused celebrations in southern New Hampshire this summer. We are planning an event in June in Manchester and a weekend of festivities in July with Kimball Jenkins. These events will be community based celebrations of diversity and art and we would love for you to join us! 

Find out more about Manchester's Pride Event HERE!

Keep up to date with Concord's Pride Weekend with Kimball Jenkins HERE!

Queer Book Club is here!

Jason will be running Queerlective's first book club! We're reading the fantastic "All Boys Aren't Blue" by George M. Johnson. This novel is a powerful coming of age story of a queer black man in today's society. While this novel has been deemed controversial in some parts of the country, this story is undeniably a powerful tool for any young adult in helping navigate identity and queerness.

The first session is today, but there is plenty of time to catch up to discuss the rest of the books at the next meetings! 

Sign up HERE

Upcoming Events and Art Opportunities!

If you aren't already following Mosaic Art Collective and their fantastic community gallery exhibitions yet, you should be! Mosaic has been instrumental in bringing consistent art gatherings to Manchester, and we are excited to be working with them on special programming for Pride month. 

Mosaic's will be hosting a reception 2/25 for their February show. More details HERE.

The New Hampshire State Council on the Arts has just announced their fiscal year 2024 grants and have a handy guideline on details and deadlines for them HERE. Utilizing grants like these are critical in helping provide resources to the creative community of NH. While using grants can be mystifying sometimes, NHSCA has some helpful resources to help navigate them. 

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